Fire Damage Restoration

Has a fire harmed your property? Call 707-413-5958 when the smoke has cleared for help putting your house back together. Restoration Brothers is experienced and repaired to get the job done in a professional manner.

After emergency responders clear the scene, we come to assess the damage.Fires do terrible damage to your property, covering all surfaces in soot and smoke. You should get rid of any undamaged goods as soon as you can since soot and smoke have an acidic tendency. Add gallons of water to the mix, you now have a recipe for disaster.

Restoration Brothers hasexperience with all forms of fire damage, and we will repair and restore your property as quickly as we can using our tried-and-true restoration procedures.

Steps to Restore a Fire Damaged Property:

  • Contact Restoration Brothers
  • Professional Fire Damage Assessment
  • Emergency Sealing
  • Removal of all Fire Damaged Materials
  • Build Back Better